Hewitt Foundation | Passion 2020 Recap

This is the 6th year leading a group of young adults to Passion. Each year is an exciting time of worship, fellowship and time with Jesus.

The Hewitt Foundation was able sponsor 51 young adults and 5 adult leaders with tickets to attend #Passion2020. What better way to invest in our young adults then providing them an opportunity to grow spiritually in their walk with Jesus.


  • 36 people attended Passion with the Hewitt Foundation for the 1st time.
  • 14 people attended Passion with the Hewitt Foundation for the 2nd time.
  • 1 person attended Passion with the Hewitt Foundation for the 3rd time.
  • 2 people attended Passion with the Hewitt Foundation for the 4th time.
  • 3 people attended Passion with the Hewitt Foundation for the 6th time!

Below you’ll see a photo of everyone who attended with our group and below their photo you’ll see a write up of their reflection of Passion 2020. The Lord is at work within this amazing group! The Hewitt Foundation is already counting down until Passion 2021!

Being able to attend Passion as a junior was a gift that I can’t thank the Hewitt Foundation enough for. Passion was full of many priceless memories. I thoroughly loved the worship they had. It hit me how powerful it was how everyone was praising Jesus. There’s something truly beautiful in being able to be in the presence of the Lord and worship with many others as a congregation. Worship let me cry and let out the pain I had been struggling with for a while and it was so breathtakingly peaceful. I felt this deep and intimate connection with God throughout the entire time. Passion allowed me to gain new relationships with people who I would have never met if it weren’t for this opportunity. I was able to talk to older individuals who talked much about college and told me I could talk to them whenever I had questions or just wanted to talk. The intentional conversations and the care was pushed by Craig, which I thank him for getting us out of our circle and comfort zone. Not only was I able to create new connections with new people, but when I returned home I was able to strengthen my relationships with my friends through the experience and things I learned through Passion. The speakers were phenomenal, I was able to hear world renowned speakers who spoke many truths that I needed to hear. It was incredible to hear their own stories and testimonies and how it shaped them. I loved hearing Ravi  Zacharias preach about why Jesus brings meaning to our lives. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Sadie Robertson talk about her experiences through her life and how we as followers of Christ shouldn’t feel that we need to be in a certain place to be close to God, that He will meet us where we are, if we open our hearts to it. It was really eye opening to hear Tim Tebow talk about his own pride and arrogance that began to cloud his life. His story really resonated with me and how he dealt with the reality of how much that was disturbing the way he saw God. I thought one of the really cool moments during the conference was when we were worshiping the dome opened up, revealing the sky. I looked up and marveled at the beauty and simplicity of the blue sky streaked with clouds. Little did I know that the leaders of the conference attempted to open the dome earlier, with it being stuck the people gave up, and during worship it opened on its own. It was truly amazing to see how God worked through the mishaps, showing that even when we think we’re in control we’re not. It was a good reminder to not only me, but the leaders too. Everything is planned according to God’s sovereignty and providence. Which is something that I forget all the time. I also really enjoyed spending time with everyone in my group on the second night of Passion. It was a great chance to sit down and get to know people’s stories. It was amazing to see how people openly shared their testimonies and how they felt during worship. It truly helped me evaluate my own walk with the Lord. I am so thankful for such an amazing experience, I won’t be able to ever repay the Hewitt Foundation for allowing me to go on such fantastic conference. 

Thank you again Craig Hewitt and the Hewitt Foundation for giving me the opportunity to go to Passion! 

I went into Passion unsure of if I wanted to go or whether or not it would be beneficial to me. I was not looking forward to it and figured it would be a waste of time. Instead, I felt that the lord really spoke to me through worship. I met many many amazing people and had an incredible time. I went from being unsure in my religion to really feeling like something was different. I came home with a renowned interest in the lord and with a passion for diving deeper into Christ. I have met friends I will continue to speak with, hopefully for years to come. I have also left with a introspective look into myself and religion. I cannot wait to see where these religions continue to take me. Passion 2020 was an amazing and impactful experience and I can’t recommend  it more.

As this is my second year attending passion with the Hewitt foundation, it was phenomenal. All though my trip was cut short, I enjoyed it while I was there. I love hearing all the different speakers speak about God’s word.

Passion has always held a part of my heart. I love going with the Hewitt Foundation group every year and can’t wait to go again next year. Every year that I have gone it has been amazing but I never really fit in. Last year I felt God speaking at me to change my career path. This year I’ve struggled with losing friends and still feeling not enough. This year at Passion I made plenty of friends with the people in my group and I felt like this is where I needed to be. I think this was God’s way of letting me know that I don’t need to feel not enough if I actually put all of myself into my relationship with Him. It made me realize that I need to start praising God in the good and bad times. Passion over the years helps me realize what I’m missing in my everyday walk with God. It helps me to realize that everybody struggles on their path with the Lord and in everyday times. I can’t wait to go back to Passion again next year, if y’all will have me!

It was such a joy and blessing to have the opportunity of going to Passion 2020 with the Hewitt Foundation.  The Lord spoke to me in many ways through Passion but I believe one of the biggest ways was through Shelly Giglio's session.  A few months ago I was in a car accident and have since struggled with knowing why God would allow someone to go through that.  I have not seen any good come from the accident or been able to use that story in any way.  One of the things Shelly talked about was how we don't always know or understand God's plan but that we have to trust that He has one and it's better than anything we could imagine.  I have to trust that God has a plan for that wreck and will use it for something, I may not know or understand what it is now but hopefully one day I will.

The group of students and leaders from the Hewitt Foundation were an absolute blessing to be able to go with.  I went on the trip with a group a strangers and came home with a group of friends.  Everybody was so kind and welcoming.  I can’t wait for next year with them!

My first experience at Passion was one I will never forget. I am so grateful to Craig and the Hewitt Foundation for providing me with the opportunity to attend. I needed those 3 days so much. Along with ringing in a new decade, I celebrated a new season of my life. Taking time away from normal life and sitting under the Word and worshipping for hours on end did my soul so much good. At times it was as if the Lord was tapping me on the shoulder and asking, “So, do you see Me now?” This past year but especially this past semester of college was a dark time in my life. Academics were really hard, and I tried to shoulder that alone, and made it my identity in some ways. I got involved in some things that I knew were wrong, and I swore myself to secrecy about it. I lived this double life. Miserable and restless on the inside but trying to not let it affect my actions to anyone who knew me. Around that time, my closest friendships at school fell apart, and I was just so ready for something to change. The Lord has some crazy good humor and timing. He wrecked my little world and made me truly realize how desperately I needed grace, how desperately I needed Him. I came clean of those dark secrets in my life, which was far from easy, but I was astounded by the grace I received from the Father and from those around me. I wandered and floundered for far too long- but HE is good and faithful to complete His work. Passion 2020 was a huge, timely reminder of that. Craig and his crew were the living examples of the Gospel- real, raw, intentional, and gracious. It was such a sweet privilege to worship alongside each of them. I wish I lived closer to Chapin, but I cannot wait to join this foundation again next year.

This past week in my life has set the mindset for the whole next decade.  I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when first planning on attending with the Hewitt Foundation.  I was invited by two close friends to join in, slightly last minute due to original other plans.  While I was upset at first that previous plans to study abroad fell through, I see now that it was all according to God’s plan.  I have had a strong faith in Christ since I made the decision to follow him at age 13, however, the first year and a half of college had plenty of distractions.  Nothing too crazy, just the everyday routine of classes, work, time with friends, and countless other events to keep up with.  Coming home for the holidays I knew that my faith needed to be focused on, that my desire for God needed to be ignited.  I just wasn’t sure how to do that without a steady small group that I grew up with and was so used to in high school.  Turns out that 55 others who I had never met before in addition to 70,000 peers worshipping Christ at the same time would definitely set my focus on Him.  Over the next three days plenty of laughs and fun moments were shared, but it is the messages and worship that rang deeply as we celebrated the New Year, a time for new beginnings (especially true with a new decade).  Realizing that I am not alone, as cliché’ as it is, was truly empowering as I head back to my campus this spring.  I have a unique position with a leadership role I was gifted at the end of last semester and it is my goal to use it for the glory of the Gospel, at all cost.  I believe Passion has opened my eyes to see where that is possible and have truly felt God’s presence like never before while attending in the Mercedes Benz stadium, it is a goal that I am able to go again in 2021. 

Passion 2020 helped me spark the flame again with mine and Jesus relationship. With graduating college, starting a new job, becoming an adult and the craziness of life, our relationship fell from first place in my life. I felt as if there wasn’t enough time and I had greater things to worry about at this time (which is way wrong). Opening my eyes and heart to just see that I need Jesus in the craziness just as much, if not more, than in the calm helped me during passion and still has helped me since we left. A peace in the storm only Jesus can provide is just what I needed during this crazy part in my life. I can’t wait to see what He has in store for me in my new city and new job! 

This was my second year attending passion with the Hewitt Foundation. Concluding passion for the second time I can honestly say with no hesitation that there is no better way to start your year off right with the lord than by attending passion regardless of how you get there or who you are with. If you know no one, trust me, you will meet a group or someone to spend your time with. After all, your in the presence of the lord surrounded by people who all love the same God you believe in. You all share the love to invite one another in to share in the rejoice of our great creator. 

Which brings me to my next point… If you are on the fence about going, I highly recommend you don’t hesitate to take the leap. Jump. Fall. land on your face, climb the mountain. Jesus will catch you. Jesus will support you with open arms and most of all love. I was once where your at, and trust me, it will be the best decision you have ever made especially with the group that is provided by the Hewitt Foundation. 

As for a short testimony concluding last years experience, before attending I thought my faith was at its full potential, only as my eyes were opened I came to see that just when I thought that I was at the climax, there Is a high higher than all the highs you can imagine. Your blind to see just how high Jesus, God, Passion, Love, Christ, can take you until you experience something as life altering as passion especially when your with thousands singing in a stadium meant for sports, yet the power of Christ shakes it more than any sporting event ever will. 

As the group went on its way home I departed for the airport (I was flying to San Fran for College football National Championship) It was instantly that satin because his quest to find me again, for I was faced with hatred, words of how messed up I am and Christianity was, for the details are far more gory than that of described here yet… it didn’t matter. I cried, no one knew why. I was hurt, yet not why you would think. I wasn’t hurt because of what was said to me, or about me. I was hurt because satin (the person) who was saying these things would never know what I just found in my lord in savior. I was hurt that this person was living a life clueless of the power of Christ. For of all the things that happened, God giving me strength is an understatement. I can’t describe how powerful that moment was for me in my walk with Jesus, and I hope one day, you have that moment, whatever it may be for you. It was then I knew, I would be back every year I can forever. 

To conclude all this, I don’t say all this to scare you, God doesn’t want to scare you, God never says the days wont be difficult, he promises he will always give us the strength to face the demons. In the moments since passion 2019, nothing has stood in my way, yet I have humbled myself in more ways than I ever thought possible. I know I am now in a tangent, but I hope this helps you follow what I know deep down in your heart you believe is right. 

Again I say, take the leap. jump. Our God won’t let you fall. I promise.

I’ve been home from passion 2020 for a total of 3 days and looking back on this experience the two words that come to mind first are goodness and freedom. 

Craig Hewitt reached out to me via text, as I had mentioned a few years back wanting to attend the passion conference. When he texted me I felt super overcome with emotions and doubt and immediately said no and came up with numerous excuses. 

I go to school almost 800 miles away from Chapin South Carolina. The idea of spending three days with total strangers absolutely terrified me. But Craig encouraged me to put the excuses aside and join his group of 55 students heading to ATL.

I can now say I am grateful beyond measure that I decided to go! 

Passion was unbelievable. Over 65,000 of my peers worshiping the name of one Man as the new year began was life changing. 

Heading to the Passion Conference I had an open heart but no super high expectations. It’s crazy how our Father time and time again comes in and wrecks my heart and blows my low expectations out of the water! Listening to the speaker’s sermons and sharing my story with others attending the conference showed me that I’m not alone in this journey to eternity. We all carry our own crosses and baggage but we don’t have to carry it alone. There are others around you fighting the same battle that want to journey with you. One of the main speakers said something super profound that will stick with me always, he said: No page in life is too big or ugly or too difficult for God to turn into victory. That being said, if you’re reading this and doubting at all about Gods greatness, don’t look to what you’ve done or your past but instead look to the one who created the heavens and the earth, put the stars in the sky and knows the number of hairs on your head. Know that he can turn any mess you may have into a message to help change others!

And if you are between the ages of 18-25, sign up to attend passion 2021. It will change your life forever. 

Thank you Hewitt foundation for this amazing experience. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to experience this much freedom. I don’t even have any words to describe the feelings that I have experienced during the three days that I spent worshiping, praising, and listening to Gods word. I grew up going to church every Sunday and every Wednesday. I’ve always believed in God and although I may not follow his rules exactly I still love him as he loves me and want to do better by him and improve and center my life around God. Listening to sermons I don’t usually feel anything until the end when they are trying to “hype” you up. However, with Sadies sermon I felt something in the very beginning and felt it the whole way through her message. I truly feel like the Lord spoke to me through her message. Saying that I need to put down my phone and focusing on everyone else’s happiness and start picking up the bible to focus on my own happiness and focus and making myself better. I need to seek for happiness in the bible and I will find because God is happiness as well as joy and love. Hearing what everyone said I’ve realized that my purpose is to find God and realizing who he is. 

I love Passion more and more every year. I feel so blessed to have gone on this trip for 6 years now and each time I am so amazed to see these young adults worshipping our Holy God. I also love hearing them share about their life or their issues and their testimonies with each other during our discussion time. When they share it helps those who sit quietly and listen, know that they are not alone. 

As always, Passion speaks to me too. This year With the music and the speakers I kept hearing over and over that God is working. Even if I don’t feel it or see it, God is working.  I pray that I will have the opportunity to go again next year. 

My experience exceeded my expectations! This was my first year attending Passion. I felt very welcomed by Craig Hewitt and the young adults, as well as the other 3 leaders. From the information emails prior to leaving, to the charter bus and bus activity getting to know the young adults, to the hotel, to the gathering after the event in the evenings for fellowship and share time, everything was well organized and communicated. The Hewitt Foundation was very generous in taking 55 of us to Atlanta to experience God at this awesome Passion Conference! 

Personally, I was overwhelmed at the vast number of people gathered together for the name of Jesus! The worship music was led by my favorite singers, and when we worshipped through the midnight hour to welcome a new decade, nothing could have been better! It was my birthday, too! There were many awesome speakers throughout the 3 days, and my favorite was Christine Cain. She spoke about the danger of deconstructing our faith, which is a trend that many people are currently doing. It is vital to our faith, and to our walk with Jesus, that we continue to value the Word of God, evangelism, the fellowship of Believers, sanctification, holiness, hatred of sin, obedience, prayer, worship , and self denial. We cannot ignore any of these foundational parts of Christianity. She also mentioned how many people have FOMO: fear of missing out. But Christians should not have this because we have joy in Christ. She listed several ways that she DOES have FOMO, but they are all related to fear of missing out on all of the blessings and promises God has for us. She listed several. We must fix our eyes on Jesus, and not on our phones! 

Personally, God spoke to me by saying that it’s more important for me to spend time at His feet getting to know Him, hearing from Him, praying and reading His Word to know His heart, than focusing on activities and works that I do in His name. Jesus is the most important activity I can do. I cannot expect to serve others vitally if my light is dim. In other words, I have to spend time with The Light in order to be His little light to others. And lastly, during one of the songs we were singing one night, the lyrics “ no more negotiations” came up. I immediately started crying. I wasn’t even aware of why, but my spirit responded to those lyrics. Jesus showed me later that the previous days before going to Passion, I had prayed a negotiation prayer that really showed my lack of trust regarding the situation I prayed about. So when Jesus revealed this during the song, I repented. God is good! 

Thank you, Hewitt Foundation, for including me among such kind, strong, transparent, brave students and leaders. This experience is a spiritual marker that I will always treasure! 

Going into Passion 2020, I was holding onto a lot of weight from the past and honestly a bad attitude about a lot of things in my life. I knew that God had a plan for me, and I was trying to trust Him with my circumstances, but I couldn’t seem to let go of my circumstances and I was choosing to hold onto things that were not God’s best for me. Thankfully, a spot opened up for me to go to Passion with the Hewitt Foundation and God knew that I needed to be there. Throughout the week, God spoke to me and my situation through each speaker and to me individually. Sadie Robertson spoke about how our generation often times tries to fill what we’re looking for with worldly things. I was definitely convicted of that. I had been trying to fill the desires of my heart with anything but Jesus and God’s word. God reminded me that He is the only one who can fulfill me. Later that night, Louie Giglio preached a message and made the point that many of us feel comfortable in defeat, and we stay there in the confining and safe bubble that it creates. This definitely described how I had been living. Instead of moving forward into God’s victory, I was staying in the comfortability of my feelings of sadness and negativity. However, God spoke to me and told me to leave behind the things that had been keeping me from Him. So now I’m going to keep turning God’s pages in the Bible and I’m expectant for the ways He will turn pages in my life this year. Passion 2020 also challenged me in many ways. John Piper gave a sermon that reminded us that the greatest desire of our heart should be for the name and fame of Jesus and His renown. He made the point that our relationship with Jesus is not meant to be a private one, and that we were meant to shout the name of Jesus for all to hear and to share His love out of this deep desire of our souls. Tim Tebow added onto this when he asked us if we have a sense of urgency for those around us, and if others can see that Jesus is in us. These messages really helped me reflect on the way I have been living and the areas I need to fully surrender to the Lord. All of the messages challenged me and reminded me of who I am in Christ. I am so thankful that I was able to go to Passion this year and it was so amazing to be in the presence of the Lord. Seeing 65,000+ people worship together under the name of Jesus was so amazing and encouraging. God is truly working in our generation, and I can’t wait to see what He does through each and every one of us for His Kingdom. 

Being able to attend Passion 2020 and attend with the Hewitt Foundation was such an amazing opportunity. Ending 2019 and starting 2020 and a new decade with 65,000 of my brothers and sisters in Christ proclaiming the name of Jesus was truly one of the most breathtaking things I have ever experienced. During Passion my eyes were constantly being opened to the absolute mercy, grace and love our God gives us. As children of God, we are wells of living water and are called to proclaim the gospel and to dig deep wells for future generations. Passion 2020 was a defining point for our generation in this next decade. We are a force for the kingdom, we will make the name of Jesus known, we will ROAR in this new year, this new decade. Our God is so so good. 

Passion 2020 was different than I thought it would be in a good way. I wasn’t sure about going to Passion when my friend first asked me but I decided that I wanted to take hold of my life and have the best time I would while still glorifying God. Going into Passion I wasn’t really sure what I was wanting to get out of it. 2019 was a hard year for me while also being the best year I’ve had in a while. I guess what I got out of passion was reassurance that God is still working in my and in my life, like the song we sang while there, “Even when I can’t see it you’re working”. I never realized how true that was. Passion 2020 was way better than I expected it to be and I can’t wait for Passion 2021.

Passion 2020 was amazing. For a minute I had doubts about even going. I thought to myself “what if I don’t make any friends?” or “what if Passion doesn’t live up to my expectations?” However, as soon as I got there I knew none of this would happen. 

As soon as I got to Craig’s, I walked into a room of friends. I may not have known them but I knew we were all there for the same reason. To bring in our New Year worshiping Jesus. The past year I struggled with finding friends at college and near me. By meeting so many people, I know that at my campus or in the Columbia area in general, I will have people to call if need be or a friendly face to say “Hi” to on the way to class. 

Passion 2020 exceeded my expectations by far and I had a blast. Bringing in the New Year worshiping Jesus will be the highlight of 2020 for me. I was able to see preachers and worship bands that I have looked up and listened to for my entire life. I was able to listen to songs that have shaped me into the Christian I am today. 

I will never be able to thank the Hewitt Foundation enough for helping me go to the Passion Conference this year. 

This was my first time ever attending the Passion conference. I had heard about Passion online and it seemed like an incredible event where young people came together to ignite their faith and love for Jesus, and I'd been interested in attending.  I remember about a year ago looking at the tickets and discarding the idea of going because I was unable to afford the tickets, transportation, and hotel costs.

A few weeks into November my community group leader from church reached out to me about The Hewitt Foundation providing free tickets to the Passion conference.  I immediately applied to win a free ticket, and was filled with excitement that the opportunity was still possible for this year. On Thanksgiving day I was told I would be able to attend with the Hewitt group and I was thrilled to be able to join!

We left for Atlanta on New Year's day, and at first I was quite nervous. I didn’t know anyone very well going on the trip, and I wasn’t sure what to expect.  As soon as I arrived everyone was so welcoming and it felt like family.  I'm so grateful to have been able to meet so many lovely people that I would have otherwise never met.

While at Passion I was able to worship God and hear from many speakers who encouraged us to deepen our walk with Jesus by taking steps of obedience and reaching the world with the light and love of Christ.  I enjoyed hearing from Sadie Robertson who spoke about the harm of social media and that instead of seeking for peace, purpose, and love on social media that we should look for them in the word of God.  She also spoke about how our relationship with Jesus is the most intimate of them all because we don’t have to earn his love.  I also enjoyed hearing Ravi Zacharias give his testimony about how God sent someone to minister to him in the hospital after he tried to end his own life.  This reminded me of God’s rescuing power and encouraged me to reach out more to those who are hurting with the Gospel.  I loved hearing Louie Giglio speak about reading the Bible.  He told us if we want to see the pages turn in our own lives, we need to continue turning the pages of God's word.  This was a great reminder that life change is going to happen by God's power more than my own, and that there is great power in the word of God.  Tim Tebow was the final speaker at Passion 2020 and he reminded us to give everything for Jesus.  He told us to choose following Jesus over success and to give it all to love others, share the gospel, and to fulfill the great commission.  This was a great way to spend the first few days of the new year because I was reminded to let this year be centered on Jesus. I was reminded to put God first.  I was reminded to reach out to the lost with the Gospel and to share the light of Jesus with those on my college campus. I was encouraged to feast on the word of God and to trust Him in the hard moments.  I left with a hunger for more of Jesus and a desire to live out what I say I believe.  I'm so grateful for the Hewitt foundation for allowing me to be a part of this group!

The day I was first contacted by Craig about attending passion with the Hewitt Foundation, only a few hours before, I had been given a very discouraging prognosis about my recent back injury. At the time, I was unable to walk due to nerve damage, so the thought of going to a big city where I’d have to walk all day was honestly unimaginable. At first I really just planned to decline the offer. How could it be in God’s plan for me to go on this trip when I couldn’t even walk across my bedroom? It just seemed so unrealistic, honestly impossible… But I was forgetting the major fact that nothing is impossible with God. 

For weeks I put off giving a yes or no. I couldn’t say yes, but something inside me told me not to say no yet, but to keep praying about it. During this time, I began to heal. I could go to school again, but still not walk all the way to class without having to stop and sit down. There just seemed like no way that I could make mile long walks along busy streets, or stand in long lines. 

Despite my hesitation, Craig was persistent in encouraging and praying for me. Finally one day I reached what seemed like my breaking point, and said no, but he still encouraged me to reconsider. After a lot of prayer, I realized how small my obstacles were in comparison to God. I wasn’t completely healed, but I gave in and fully trusted God. I let him take control, and I’ll be forever grateful for that decision. 

Fast forward to the trip, God moved in so many incredible ways. Not only was I able to walk miles without issue, but God surrounded me and filled me with so much indescribable joy and blessing. I went into Passion tired, worn thin, and in desperate need of refreshment. I was simply exhausted. I left renewed and even more on fire for the Lord. Initially, my faith was small, but I was reminded of how big my God truly is. 

My favorite part was being surrounded by 65,000 other Christians, worshiping for our last breaths of the past decade, and our first breaths of this new one. Looking around and seeing so many others, who despite the hardships of this world, still worshiped with such great joy was encouraging not only to my personal faith, but to the truth that so much of my generation is living in surrender to the one who holds it all. 

I also made many great new friends, and caught up with old ones. Going into the trip, I was nervous about being alone, but I immediately felt welcomed and  connected with so many like-minded people the moment I stepped onto the bus. Over the course of the trip we all grew closer to one another and to God. 

So thank you Hewitt Foundation for not only the opportunity, but the encouragement I needed to attend Passion, and everything God did through it. Passion 2020 was a blast, and I can’t wait for Passion 2021!

When I first arrived to the office on the morning of the first day, I was in a storm of doubt and confusion about my life and my faith in Christ; I was even to the point that I was starting to doubt God’s existence. Through conversations with other people in the group, and the messages of Ravi Zacarías and Sadie Robertson, I learned that the existence of God is proved by science and that Jesus will meet me where I am in my struggle. God knew I needed  to come to Passion 2020 to reaffirm my faith and start to trust in Jesus again. Additionally, I was so surprised at the organization of the group, and the time and effort that Mr. Hewitt took to get to know everyone personally. I will always cherish the relationships that I have made through this experience. The Spirit truly was moving at Passion 2020 to encourage my spirit  and strengthen my relationship with Jesus. 

Passion Conference with the Hewitt Foundation group for the second time was unexpectedly even more fulfilling than my first Passion experience. The experience of worshipping the name of Jesus into the new year and new decade was such a beautiful thing to witness and was so encouraging to know that 65,000 other believers my age were all there for the same reason. The refocus that Passion 2020 was for me is truly incredible for my life. The sermons were all incredible and every one of them, for me personally, reaffirmed my need and desire for Jesus Christ as my sole focus. Another thing that stood out to me were all the instances I encountered the word “roar” during these few days, in worship and conversation alike. “I’m gonna sing in the middle of the storm, louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar” is a lyric from Raise a Hallelujah by Bethel Music. Closing my eyes and listening to the roar of 65,000 people praising as the year began, I know, will be such a defining moment for this decade. The Roaring 20’s indeed. 

I have attended passion for 4 years with the Hewitt foundation, and I have to say this year was by far the best experience. To be worshiping Jesus with 65,000 other students while taking in the first breath of the new year was truly something I will never forget. I remember telling my mom that I bet I was having a way better time than all my friends that night who were out partying and getting drunk. I got to experience a true miracle that I wish even more people could have gotten to be a part of. This year has probably been the hardest year of my life so far. I was going through a lot of family problems, relationship problems, and I was doing everything but running towards Jesus. I was trying to fill all of my empty holes with everything but Jesus…. except they weren’t ever getting filled. So, as I listened to Sadie’s message, she hit me with the question of “what are you seeking and where are you seeking it from?” Now, that’s a hard hit when you know you haven’t been seeking the right things or from the right places. We all seek love, joy, peace, and purpose. But, the cool thing is, if we seek Jesus the search is over. Jesus IS joy, peace, love, and He gives us purpose when we follow Him. So, to all who are searching. Stop searching and just follow Jesus. Then, everything will truly fall into place. Quit letting defeat be comfortable. Instead, let victory overcome! Thank you so much Hewitt Foundation for letting me be part of this amazing miracle. I look forward to being a part of this again! 

Before I went to passion this year I was an anxious mess, and lukewarm in my faith. I’ve had a lot of difficulty in my past mental illness and in 2019, these problems reared their ugly head. I haven’t settled down with one church yet, and I’ve never really been to a church event or “worshipped.” I was really scared for passion because I didn’t know anyone and thought about backing out several times — but I didn’t because it was clear to me and anyone I told about it that God needed me there for a particular reason. 

At passion, I grew SO much in my faith. I worshipped God without being shy or afraid and I learned so much. God spoke to me in ways I never could’ve imagined. Passion 2020 inspired me to truly know Christ and understand his love for me. Because of Passion, I’m ready to commit to a church and start being more passionate in my faith. I’ve never felt so moved as I did worshipping at Passion and it’s made me want to know God and share that with other people! Passion changed my life and I am already counting down the days for next year! 

Before I want to passion I was questioning my faith and I saw being a Christian as uncool. But being able to be around so many young adults that worship the lord I was able to see that it did not matter what other people see me like as long as I have God. Passion thought me that as long as I can stand tall on the foundation of God I can never fall. Going to passion was an amazing experience and I am so glad I went. If I had not gone I would still be seeing God as “uncool” but now I see him in all his glory and I know that no matter where life takes me God will be there and he will love me forever and I know that I will always love him. 

I have always wanted to attend a PASSION conference…either as a volunteer “door holder” or as an adult leader.  This year I had the opportunity to attend as an adult leader with the Hewitt Foundation.  I have known Craig and Crystal for a long time and it just amazed me as it all sank in how God continues to use their tragedy for good in spite of the pain. Many young adults were given lifelong truths about our God and Savior in a way they will never forget! This has eternal significance – to God be the glory!!

For me personally – there is nothing I love and desire more than to worship and grow together with other believers!! As an avid Clemson football fan I have always said that PASSION is like going to a National Football Championship game but I would choose PASSION over and over again.  My spiritual life has been enriched and challenged in the best possible way.  The speakers and worship leaders ushered us to the throne of God – all 65,000 of us and it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life!!

Allow me to begin by thanking the Hewitt Foundation for giving me the opportunity to be a chaperone on the trip.  In years past, I had watched videos of the speakers but can honestly say that it doesn't compare to witnessing the movement of the Holy Spirit in an arena of 65,000 young people alongside of you.  All of the speakers and music were moving and inspiring. 

Christine Caine’s message spoke to me specifically.  Christine spoke about how a lot of things have stopped the flow of living water within us.  Living water flows from your heart and unfortunately the heart of most people is lacking today.  Christine pointed to 3 problems that prevent us from living an abundant life. 1) We have FOMO (Fear of missing out) 2) We are uncommitted and 3) We lack patience.  Faith is not enough.  We need faith and patience. 


I have recently become discouraged about a specific prayer I have prayed a long time and God has not yet revealed an answer to this prayer.  The Holy Spirit spoke to me through Christine's message and I have a renewed spirit towards my prayer request. I will keep the faith and maintain patience until my God sees fit to reveal the answer in HIS time.  

Again, thank you for this amazing opportunity to grow my faith, meet and develop relationships with an awesome group of young people and gain 3 new sisters in Christ!

The final months of 2019 were challenging for me, to say the least, and I was in need of a reminder that God had a plan for my life. Heading into passion 2020 I was both nervous and excited, but mostly excited. I couldn’t wait to be in Atlanta worshipping the Lord and thanking Him for working in my life. With that being said, I was excited to know more about Gods plan for me and How he wanted to use me moving forward in my life. I’m about to start my second semester of college and the stress and anxiety that I’ve recently felt trying to understand my purpose has been overwhelming. However, throughout my time at Passion I could slowly feel that anxiety beginning to slip away. It’s not completely gone but God has started to bring me peace and more understanding than I could’ve hoped for. Although I still don’t fully know what I’m going to do in my lifetime, I’ve grown stronger in my faith with the Lord and I know that he will be with me every step of the way no matter where I go or decide to do. “ for I know the plans I have for you, says the lord. plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

When I first met Mr. Craig I knew that attending passion 2020 was going to be a great experience. He was so kind and I just knew he had a wonderful heart because he was willing to help others in need like me . I couldn’t afford to go to passion on my own but I really appreciated the opportunity to go with the Hewitt Foundation group . Everybody was so friendly and helpful . I have been going through a lot lately with my family and passion has definitely increased my faith and has given me more hope . I loved being surrounded by thousands of believers and people who need more of God. It made me Feel okay to worship and okay to let loose and really pray out loud and get a closer relationship with God . I feel like this passion trip was very much needed and very therapeutic for my heart . I would definitely recommend this trip to ever body who comes in my path who fits the age range.

First, I wanna start off by saying thank you to the Hewitt Foundation for giving me this opportunity and bringing me along to Passion 2020. I was so excited to go, but once it got closer to the date I did not want go because I found out that I would only know 1 person going.  I was worried if I would have someone to hang with, or if I would fit in with everyone else or if they would like me.  Turns out, we all became like a family and I opened my heart up and felt way more closer with Christ. These last couple days were amazing and I am beyond happy I went along with this group. My favorite speaker was Sadie Robertson and she has been my role model for many years. She isn’t an inspiration to me because she is a movie star or has fame, but because she puts her heart out there and is not afraid to share her love for Jesus. The part when she said “seek and you will find because God is love” or we are seeking for happiness, seeking for peace, seeking for purpose, but when you’re holding your phone you are really cold, but once you pick up that book (the Bible) you are literally on fire.” That hit my heart because I’m so into social media and how others feel about me.  This year I am going to focus more on putting my phone down and I am gonna pick up that book and pray for Gods direction in my life. For those who haven’t attended Passion, I suggest you go, because it will change your life forever and God will touch your heart in so many ways. I can’t wait for Passion 2021!

I remember friends of mine who could not keep their eyes open during many of the main sessions and I just could not get enough. Don’t get me wrong, after a couple nights of very little sleep and staying up talking about all that God had spoken to us that day, I couldn’t wait to get some good sleep. But I was all in on this. I honestly just think I had never seen my relationship with Jesus as something that could be fully satisfying. Suddenly, I did. I felt like God had revealed to me the fact that my whole life was to be centered around the teachings and work of His Son, Jesus. That everywhere I went, I was to proclaim His name and make Him famous. I realized my purpose on earth was not to please myself or store up earthly treasures.

Passion 2020 was an amazing experience. I was inspired and challenged to pursue my faith more than I have been. I was encouraged to trust in Christ through my daily struggles and rely on Him for how and peace in times of trouble. The Hewitt Foundation group was a joy to be with. We shared both laughter and testimonies, and we marveled at the gear presence of Jesus that was evident at Passion. I can’t wait till next year!

I had not planned on originally attending Passion this year, but circumstances arose and I ended up attending Passion 2020. I had little to no expectations going in, except that everyone I had talked to had told me that I wasn’t prepared for how God would work in those three days. Going into the conference, I felt that I was carrying such a weight from 2019, one that had started to affect my walk with Christ, and affected my thoughts on whether or not God was able to handle my doubts and struggles. I think Christ spoke to me in many ways throughout Passion. I think one affirmation influenced me the most, and that was simply my affirmation and actually trusting that Jesus conquered death, so why couldn’t He handle anything I am going through? I had come into the conference holding onto regrets and issues that I didn’t want to give to the Father because I felt that He couldn’t handle them, but at Passion, I had no excuses to keep holding onto my past and I just gave it to the Father and placed it in His hands, because He is big enough to handle my problems. Passion was an incredibly awakening experience that refilled me and I think set me back on the path God meant for me.

My experience was interesting. I really reconnected with Jesus and after being back home for a few days it’s still there. I still feel the close bond as to where usually a few hours after being home that feeling goes away in a sense. Passion was a lot of fun because it was just a bunch of great people who are all wanting the same thing in a way.

I have been attending passion with the Hewitt Foundation for two years now. Last year, the experience was unexplainable. God spoke to me in many ways and I am forever grateful for the experience. Passion is a great event to attend with friends and family that helps me to grow in my faith tremendously. It is a great reminder that God is not done with me yet and the BEST is yet to come. Each year I learn something new about Gods unfailing love and faithfulness. This year I listened to loads of great speakers such as Louie Giglio, Sadie Robertson, Pastor Piper, Ravi Zachariah, and more. Hearing Pastor Piper and Ravi Zachariah preach to 65,000+ students was something I will never forget. I could feel the presence of God filling the stadium. Pastor Piper preached about the desires of the soul. You can go to church and be involved with the church as much as you want, but you will not know who God is unless you have that burning desire to know him more and love him. He said “We do not make a God of our desire. Our desire make sure what God is.” The thing we spend our most time on is what we desire. If God isn’t the thing we spend most of our time on, then it’s not worth your time. This has and will continue to impact me throughout the year. If the name of Jesus doesn’t become my greatest desire, I will not only waste my life but I will lose it. Desiring God is a choice that only you can make. Pursue him everyday with a pure heart. I loved Passion 2020 and I can’t wait for Passion 2021!

When I registered for Passion 2020, the only emotion I felt was, “this is going to be fun.”  I didn’t know a single soul going on the trip, but fortunately enough my brother, Hayden joined me for our first time doing something like this.  Anyone and everyone we knew didn’t really like the idea of my brother and I going all the way to Atlanta for a conference with people we didn’t even know, which honestly wrecked my anxiety even more.  Hayden and I have both been diagnosed with extreme depression and anxiety the past year, both in very different ways.  But in a way it’s lead us closer to Jesus. 

Here’s my story:

(If you want to skip to how passion changed me, skip three paragraphs)

Being raised in a Christian family, we have known the lord since we were basically born, but that didn’t mean we knew him in our hearts.  We attended a local church for years until some drama fell down and we had to move churches. We didn’t find one until New spring became pretty popular, which ended in leaving once some drama went down with the Pastor.  Long story short, my family has been out of church for a few years now.  But we figured it was okay since we still knew Jesus. 

My grandfather was one of the most vibrant souls who radiated the glory of God in so many ways. I strived to be as genuine and into the Lords word as he was.  He gave his life to Jesus and he made sure to tell everyone about it even if you were some random cashier at Wendy’s.  He had a bad past, but he didn’t let that effect him, because he knew that Jesus loved him and he knew that he loved him back.  

I felt as if my life was going pretty good until junior year of high school (last year,) when I started having random panic attacks and breakdowns in the middle of nowhere. I’ve always kept myself isolated and blocked from the world, usually I passed it off as being shy. My mom eventually took me to the doctor and I was immediately put on an antidepressant. For a little while I started to get better. October last year, only a few months later, we got the news that my grandfather only had a few months to live.  He had something wrong with his liver but I can’t remember what it was called and I don’t really want to remember it.  His body was weak, but his soul was ready for the Lord. Only a short month and a half later he rose out of that grave to go with Jesus.  I had such an unbreakable unexplainable bond with my papa, so you could imagine how much this broke me.  It didn’t help that I ran out of my antidepressant a week after his passing and I just so happened to forget to tell my mom,  it was also Christmas Eve and the doctor wouldn’t be open until the day after Christmas. I was in the darkest place of my life. Not only was I sick due to coming off of my pill, but I had lost any hope I had. I never questioned God as to why he took papa, but I asked if papa was okay and if there really was a heaven.  As a Christian, we still have our doubts, and when we do it’s great to go straight to God about them.  One night, I had an unimaginable dream about my papa. I saw him in such a realistic way and of course I asked him how heaven was. He never answered me, but instead told me that he was okay, and that he loved me. That’s all I needed to hear. If that really was my papa talking to me, or even if it was God talking to me, it settled my mind and any doubts I had about heaven or God.  Over the course of the year I started to come out of my shell, tell others about how great God is, and of course I still had my hardships, but I only got through them with Jesus in my heart. 

(If you’re looking for my passion experience start here!)

A few months ago I started following Craig on social media. One day I was watching his social media and he posted about a worship event he was having and I may have accidentally answered I would be coming. He responded and told me he was excited to see me come out to the event. Honestly… I didn’t respond back for a while because I was already embarrassed about answering something that I had no idea about, I also didn’t personally know him. Do you ever get those messages from random people on social media basically saying, “Hey, you would be a great fit to my team. Would you be interested in joining us? All you have to do is try our herbal tea, review it and then you’ll get cash back!”  Blah blah blah.  Well… I figured Craig was one of those people, not going to lie!  

A little while later he messaged me about this thing called The Passion. It took months of convincing and lots and lots of conversations to get me to actually consider going, and I was only going if a friend joined me. I convinced someone to come but then they decided to go with someone else. All I thought was, “okay well guess it wasn’t meant for me to go then.” The same day my mom says to me, “well what about Hayden?” well yeah mom what about Hayden? All I thought was, who would want to go on a trip with their brother? (Side note: Hayden and I have always been pretty close but we have never spoken about personal things such as our depression/anxiety and walk with the Lord. After realizing I’d be selfish for not asking him, I had a thought come over me. Hayden had just been diagnosed with anxiety, so what better time to hear the word of God. I immediately messaged Craig, and fortunately he had just enough room for my brother and I.  

Passion Eve, my stomach was turning.  Who was I going to be rooming with? Who would Hayden be rooming with? Am I going to have fun? Am I going to hear the word of God? Will Hayden hear the word of God? 

Eventually I found myself on the bus ride to Atlanta.  About 30 minutes away from our hotel we got these envelopes with 2 encouraging verses, we had to find the two people who had the matching ones and those would be our roommates. This may have made my anxiety boost, but it was worth it. Craig is really specific on rooming people, and he did an amazing job for me.  Katie, Anna Marie and Evelyn were all so unique and outgoing in their own ways, which helped me overcome my anxiety and immediately have a bond with each of them.  They definitely brought out the best in me.

 The first day of Passion was amazing and something I couldn’t have imagined, the second day was just as wonderful. But something still didn’t feel right. Looking around, everyone just seemed so into it. People were crying, raising their hands during worship and even said under their breath ‘amen’ after the speakers said something inspiring.  The night before coming home, I shared my story with a few friends and Craig.  They may not have taken it serious considering it was super late and they were out of it, but Craig payed attention through the whole thing. I told him how I felt about not really hearing it and how I didn’t really understand how people can feel the Holy Spirit speaking to them.  I told him that I continuously prayed to the Lord and asked him to open my ears and heart and just hear what He was telling me.  I told him about my friends and how I haven’t had the best relationships with some of them, I told him how I had some that were Christians like me, in return he asked me something I didn’t really expect, “How do you know that they’re Christians.” Well a few of them are pretty open about it and..he stopped me again, “but how do you know that they’re Christians?” After a few moments it hit me that I don’t truly know their hearts.  They may be in doubt, or they may not really believe at all.  We can’t tell, because only we know if we love the Lord.  Sadie mentioned in her sermon that we are all constantly looking for love, peace, happiness and purpose, but we have been looking in the wrong places.  Sure someone can post on Instagram that they’re at church but that doesn’t mean anything. Sure a cute guy might follow you on Instagram but that doesn’t mean that he’s the one.  Sure you may get lots of likes, but does that truly bring you happiness? Does Instagram tell you what your purpose is? Because I don’t think the amount of likes or the filter on your selfie matter to God.  What matters to God is how you go out and share light, share how he’s changed your life and how life is best when he’s in your heart.  It’s my job to make sure my friends know Jesus, it’s my purpose. 

I don’t really think I realized how much Jesus was speaking to me until I got home.  He took away the anxiety and depression and all the negativity in my head while I was at passion. The only worry I had was that I would miss something good when I had to run to the bathroom during Tim Tebow’s sermon.  One of the best things to me, was the music. The music spoke to me in different ways that are unexplainable.  As a singer and theatre performer, I interpret music on another level, and music has never spoke to me so much than the passion music.  From, “way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my god, that is who you are,” to, “he called my name, and I ran out of that grave,” to, “the resurrected king, is resurrecting me.”  Each of these lyrics spoke to my soul in so many ways where every time I hear them, a shiver goes down my spine and I get goosebumps.  

In conclusion, I figured out that hearing/feeling the Holy Spirit is not always going to be a voice in your head, but it could also be a song lyric. I have stopped questioning as to what my purpose is, because I believe that it is my job to get my friends to Passion 2021. I still have many questions and doubts, but that’s what being a Christian is all about, when you get closer to Jesus, the devil begins to work twice as hard to get you. But if you have faith, it won’t end in Defeat, but rather Victory.  Sitting here today, with one semester left of my senior year of high school, lost in what college I may go to, what I’m going to major in, or what I’m going to do after high school in general, I’ve decided to give all the stress to God. I’m allowing him to decide my future for me.  Whatever that may be, I trust him no matter what.  Of course I’ve had a dream future for the longest time, but I decided that my future is not up to me, it’s all up to Jesus.  The platform that I once dreamed about, may eventually become true, in which I would plan to use the influence I would have to share my passion and the glory of the great Lord, my Savoir, Jesus Christ. 

My story isn’t over yet, therefore my testimony isn’t over, this was just the start of something beautiful. 

Thank you Jesus for this life, thank you for leading my name into Craig’s heart, thank you for not only allowing me to go to Passion, but my brother as well. Thank you for the friends I met while at Passion, Anna Marie, Katie, Evelyn, Sarah, Kylie, Allison and especially Craig.  I pray that they continue to play a major part in my story. I pray that I am able to invite my friends to Passion 2021, who may not have the best relationship with the lord and also those who do have a great relationship but need a stronger grip or reassurance.  I pray that you ROAR through me every day, and I am reminded that I need you in order to live this life.

In your name I pray, Amen. 

Passion 2020 really inspired to me to be a better Christian and really gave me perspective in becoming a missionary. The music really reached out to me and opened my heart up.  I’m very thankful I went on the trip, it was the best decision I have ever made and I’m very exited to go back next year. 

I have attended Passion twice before this year, but this year was definitely my favorite year. I was deeply impacted by ringing in the new year while at Passion. The first breath out of my mouth for the new year was praise for the King, and what better way to start off the year. I received a word from the Lord a few weeks ago that this year will be my year of harvest, and the Lord affirmed that while I was at Passion. I will harvest the fruit I have down from the year 2019, which was the most difficult year of my life. The harvest is coming for me. 

I also really loved being able to reunite with so many of my camp friends who are more like sisters. Because of Passion and because of the Hewitt Foundation, this reunion was made possible for me. I was able to tell these girls about the miracles God has done in my life since I had to leave camp early due to a severe concussion. We laughed together, cried together, prayed together, and rejoiced together. It was so powerful and beyond life giving. I couldn’t have had this experience without the Hewitt Foundation, and I can’t begin to thank you enough.

Going into Passion 2020, I had no idea what to expect, but I knew I needed to hear something from the Lord. I have always struggled with placing my worth into my achievements and getting overwhelmed and stressed very often because of that. Senior year has only amplified that because my achievements are what get me accepted into college and money to go to college. Lately, it has been evident to me that worry and comparison are no way to live my life, but I didn’t know where to start or what that looked like. Throughout Passion, I felt the Lord open my heart to his Freedom. Freedom from comparison, worry, and insecurity. The songs kept speaking to me that God is in control of everything in my life. I don’t have to worry about being in control because He already has it. He knows how I will pay for college, what my job looks like after that, the people I will encounter while in school, He’s got it all. It has been so freeing and peaceful since then. My worth is in my King, and my accomplishments do not determine how He loves me. I cannot earn His love. Thank goodness, because I would certainly fall short. He loves me so much and He knows how my life will turn out. Passion really opened my eyes to the overwhelming Peace and Freedom that I can find in the Lord. He has me and my future held tightly in His hands, and He’s guiding me through all of it. I couldn’t be more thankful to have experienced God in a way I never have before. Passion was truly life changing; I can’t wait to see what the Lord will continue to do in and through me because of Passion!

Passion 2020 was a breathtaking experience. 70,000 people gathered to celebrate our Savior, I was in complete awe. Jesus spoke so well through the speakers, and I got to listen to what God wanted me to hear. There was one statement that was made that caught my attention, “be on fire for God”. I feel at some points this year that I was not putting God first in my priorities. I was just going through life and choosing Jesus later below other things. Once I got into my first semester of college, things changed. I felt God placing me where he wanted me, and I started to get a new perspective. I started taking more time for God and was given more opportunities to worship Him on the daily. Hearing the words “be on fire for God” really made me think about how amazing the community is at my college. I am surrounded by so many amazing followers of Christ who move me to grow even more. I am so excited to take what I learned from Passion and be on fire for God at my campus. I am so excited for God to use me in my new home to show people His light everyday. I am thankful for Passion for always giving such an amazing opportunity to connect with God alongside so many brothers and sisters of Christ. The Hewitt Foundation is so kind to give me a place in their group to attend Passion and grow in the Lord together.

I was fortunate enough to attend Passion 2020. Going in I was definitely expectant of God doing great things, but I was not ready for the amazing plans he had for me.  Worshiping is personally a very intimate time with God to me and I really appreciated how much worship opportunities there were during the few says we were there.  I also really lived Sadie Robertson's message on how loving others is a way of finding your purpose in life. I also loved how she loves such an emphasis on making sure you seek your purpose in the right place is much more important than figuring out what your seeking.  I feel as though personally I have been more concerned about figuring out what I’m seeking and placing emphasis on that rather than examining where I’m seeking it.  This is something I plan to work on in my future.  I want to seek joy and purpose but in the correct way through God’s word!!  

God always knows what we need when we need it most and I feel like this opportunity to attend Passion 2020 was placed in my life at the best possible time. Welcoming in this new decade with 65,000 friends and followers of Christ was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I cannot think of a better or more fitting way to ring in 2020 than worshipping the one who made this all possible. As 2020 begins, I feel refreshed and renewed through this experience.  After attending Passion, I am entering 2020 with more knowledge than I could have ever imagined and am left with so much to think about. I know there is no need to search because He is here for me to follow. There is freedom in Christ and there is fullness in Jesus. It is time for me to pick up a shovel and to start digging. When you live for Jesus and love people, you are living a life of significance. And finally, God is turning the page from defeat to victory! Our God is so so good and it is so evident He is using our generation for great things. We are ROARing his praises and showing the world what His love looks like! I will forever be grateful for the Hewitt Foundation and cannot say thank you enough for this worthwhile experience! 

I cannot even begin to describe the work God did at Passion. For as long as I can remember, I have believed in Jesus. Being at Anderson University this past semester though, I have grown so much. But to be honest, being on Christmas break strayed me slightly from the Lord. I struggled to have quiet time with Him and keep him a priority everyday. Going into Passion, I knew I was going to be blown away and God was going to work. I had no doubt in that. But that first night when we sang our hearts out to the God of the universe and praised His holy name, I was brought back to Him. It’s so amazing how He continues to let us come back and start over. He leaves the 99, comes running after us like a shepherd does with lost sheep, and scoops us in His arms. He is so good to His children. As we were getting ready for the countdown for New Years, the Holy Spirit prompted me with this phrase for 2020: boldly glorify the Lord. I often choose not to be bold for the Lord because I care what other people think. I instead keep the joy, peace, forgiveness, hope, grace, eternal life, and love received from the Lord to myself, which is very unfair to this dark world. This year, I’m choosing to live boldly for the Lord, glorifying him in everything I do. Louie Giglio mentioned in his sermon that Jesus should be greater and greater and we should become less and less (John 3:30). I want more of that perspective and heart everyday. I remember looking out at the 65,000 people who were at Passion and feeling overwhelmed by the Lord. It’s not very often that you get to worship with that many people. But with the Lord performing miracles, He was able to get all of those believers together and have us make a movement for His glory. All 83 countries, all 50 states, all different languages. The Lord is worthy of praise. He is worthy of serving. He is worthy of being above every other name. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to go with the Hewitt Foundation! They were able to show me more of Jesus and I cannot wait for next year!

Passion 2020 had many unforgettable moments that powerful, honest, and impactful. Worshiping alongside 65,000 other young adults was truly my favorite part. I absolutely loved being able to worship and proclaim Jesus as my savior as the count down hit zero and 2020 began. I heard many speakers that related to me on a personal level. Many of my worries and struggles I was able to set aside as I listened to them. The speakers were honest and upfront with us about real world problems, and told me ways that I can have a more Christ centered life. All 65,000 of us got on our knees and prayed for purpose. This impacted me as I realized that God has all my worries in his hands and will speak to me when I speak to him. I can’t wait for next year!

This year was my first year attending Passion with the Hewitt Foundation and I am so glad that I decided to go. This was my first time really getting out of my comfort zone to go on a trip like this and God has really worked in my life from that week. I got to experience sermons that were really tough to hear but made a huge impact in my walk with Christ. I’m so blessed for the people I met this week and that I got to have deep conversations about God with them. It was absolutely incredible to be with 65,000+ students from all different walks of life worshiping the same God. I can’t thank Craig Hewitt and his family and his foundation enough for giving me such an amazing opportunity I’ll never forget!

What could be better than ringing in the new year worshiping our God with 65000 people in one location? That’s right… absolutely NOTHING! This year was special because the conference started on New Year’s Eve and we had the opportunity to be worshiping our God with the first breath in this new year. 

It was incredible to sing the song Good Grace by Hillsong United while we counted down the final moments of 2019. Part of the song says, “Swing wide, All you heavens. Let the praise go up, as the walls come down! All creation, everything with breath repeat the sound! All His children, clean hands, pure hearts, good grace, good God. His Name is Jesus” and that was being magnified and proclaimed at the top of everyone’s lungs as we started a new year.

The most impactful sermon for me was given by Louie Giglio. He preached about how we believe in a God that turns pages. To think about how our God turned nothing into everything in the turn of a page is amazing. I have never thought about the physical turn of the page in a book being a perfect illustration of what God does when he enters our lives. We move from defeat to victory. We move to a mindset of less of ME and more of JESUS. It’s so easy to live in defeat because it’s comfortable, safe, confining and self focused. But now we are challenged to live in victory. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says, ““For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

One thing that I didn’t think about until our group’s debrief after the last night session of Passion was the fact that it took multiple people to “turn the page” of Louie’s giant illustration. This really brought it all together for me. We cannot stay comfortable. We can’t stay quiet. We have to surround ourselves with others who will not only encourage us but live life with us. Over the past year God has taught me that I cannot go through life just living the motions. I had to get out of my comfort zone and take risks. It takes a village and I’m so happy for that.

Louie ended his sermon challenging us to ROAR. We can’t be quiet about our faith. We can’t keep the love of God to ourselves. We have to share it. We have to shine a light. The light of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

One of the most impactful songs was Way Maker. It was sung several times throughout each of the sessions at Passion. When singing that I was fighting holding back tears. There’s something about singing that song with 70,000 people and hearing everyone declare who our God is that really hit me. Our God is a miracle worker. He is our light in the darkness. 

“You are Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, my God… That is WHO YOU ARE.” Wow. This song is going to be on repeat all year. 

The song goes on to say:

“Even when I don’t see it, You’re working! Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working!

You never stop! You never stop working!” 

Even when we feel like we don’t see Him. Even when we don’t feel Him working he is! He is a God of Miracles.

This was my sixth year going with Craig to the Passion conference. Every year it gets better and better. I am so thankful that Craig invites me to go every year. Honestly, I wouldn’t miss attending the Passion conference for anything in the world. I am already looking forward to next year.

Passion was such a fun and refreshing event that was such a wonderful experience. Being able to worship the Lord going into the new year with 70,000 people was truly amazing and powerful, something I will never forget. I wasn’t too excited about going at first and said no several times until I finally said yes to going. I’m glad that I changed my mind and went. Being able to make new friends and learn more about the lord is so promising for the new year. The messages were powerful to so many people and passion definitely changed so many lives. I loved the music at passion so much. The worship was definitely my favorite part. Shouting at the top of my lungs praising God with so many others was so powerful. Hill song is one of my favorite Christian bands and the passion band was so good as well. Every speaker and every song sang was so wonderful and really spoke to me along with so many others. It was also so great to be able to have this experience shared with my brother and being able to worship God with him was so special. Passion was such a humbling experience and I’m thankful I went. Thank you Craig and the other leaders for taking all of us to Passion.

This year at Passion was beyond expectation. God did so many miracles this year. It was one of my favorite gatherings so far, and being able to worship with so many believers around me was just so mind blowing to me; 65,000+ people worshiping one name: Jesus. God did some amazing things in my life: built friendships, strengthens relationships and grew my relationship with Jesus even more. 2020 is going to be an amazing year because we worshipped Jesus’ name the very second of 2020. This was one of the best thing by far, being able to start the year off by proclaiming the name of Jesus showed me how this year will be. I am super excited for next year, and I can’t wait for new memories with the people I love. 

My Passion 2020 experience was amazing. I loved being able to worship with 70,000 Christians in the same building while ringing in the new year. One thing I always look forward to is becoming friends with other Christians on the trip. One of my favorite speakers at Passion 2020 was Sadie Robertson. I really liked how she used social media within her message and how we look for our needs in social media. We keep looking for them in social media but all the needs that we want are from the Bible which really stuck out to me. I encourage everyone to come to Passion 2021 so have an amazing experience as I did. 

Going to Passion for the first time really rocked my world and I’m eternally grateful. I’ve been a worship fanatic since I was a little girl in our church. This experience really was crazy cause 65,000 Christians worshipping together was more than words could describe! It put a fire in me, and built my faith more. Being 25 years old, I feel the need to there it’s getting my life in “order” so constantly I’m trying to improve and better myself. At times I get impatient with myself if I’m not progressing or if the pieces of my life are falling together, or whatever. This is a very, very stressful season of life because it’s the time where I have to fully surrender and trust that all the things I’m doing God will use in fruition. 1 Corinthians 15:58, has been a life long scriptural promise that my labor is not in vain, and to continue to be steadfast unmovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. I moved to South Carolina for graduate school but more importantly to serve God, and for doors to open up where I can be a vessel to bring forth His glory! This experience has brought me a push of trust because what He said He will do will come to past, and even when I don’t see it, he’s working. Lastly, I did not have a huge spiritual moment where the sky opened up and God told me what I need to do exactly, but just being in His presence was enough for me. Thank you for allowing me to tag along 🙂 

My Passion 2020 experience was a phenomenal way to break out the new decade. I had such a blast listening to the music and the speakers helped me really learn some things. My favorite performer was probably Crowder just because he plays a very diverse set on stage. My favorite speaker would have to be John piper. He did such a great job with his lesson on faith and personal desires. Overall, one thing really rings true to me and that is that it’s not all about me but it’s about being for God and his way of life. I feel that this experience has made me a better person and I made a lot of new friends in the process.

All I can say is wow God is absolutely amazing. It is an honor to be back at Passion of 2020 after a year of all that God has done. Last year when I went to passion it was the first time I had ever gone to a Christian conference. I was just starting to revive my relationship with Jesus when Craig extended an invite to passion. After I went to Passion of 2019 I knew God was calling me into ministry. I saw 70,000 people who needed to know Jesus and all the knowledge God had given me that brought me back to Him. I asked God after Passion that if He wanted me to go do this I needed him to give me visions of where and how. The next few months I started getting dreams of me flying out to Bethel Church and making connections. Consistently I was getting these dreams, so much so I asked God to confirm in October of 2019 if this was where I needed to be that He would tell me when, how, and the means to get there as I had no money to go. 

Low and behold I went to a sermon that night where the pastor (who was affiliated with bethel) having never talked to me before, randomly walked up to me and told me “you came here for confirmation tonight. And I feel the Lord wants me to tell you the time is now, get your bags and passport ready because you’re flying out to wherever you believe you’ve been called to go. The time is now.”

I was speechless. Immediately I looked up the tickets, and the cheapest time to go fell exactly on my fall break. And low and behold a refund check came in paying for the entire trip.

Needless to say here I am just coming out of passion 2020 where I am able to share that I have successfully made connections with Bethel church and in around 6 months am moving out there to pursue a career to work for their ministry. 

I made sure after all God has blessed me with, after all God has done for me, I was giving Him back what He gave me with this event. I want to reach lives and bring the presence of God everywhere I go and do the very thing that lead me back to Christ. To help, heal, and counsel individuals. So I made sure I would enter in the new year, and new decade, surrendering my life over to God again and again telling Him “have your way.” 

This was the most incredible experience of my life by far, worshiping God with Hillsong united into 2020 and 70,000 other people. I left 2019, with all the hurts, all the traumas of my past gone, and singing “Jesus our redemption!” At the last moment of 2019. I entered into 2020 singing praises, falling to my knees sobbing watching God just move into thousands of lives. It was an honor. I will not be able to top any New Years after that. We wrote history and I’m so thankful to be apart of it.

But more so I am so thankful that I gave God that moment. I wanted God to see and know I am here for Him. I’m giving my life to Him. Every breath. Every moment. I’m giving it back to Him because He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Here is to an incredible decade of sharing the gospel and encountering God in all His wonder! 

If you would like to watch a recap of Passion 2020 the sermons and worship, check out these videos: